Fair Camping

Allen County Fair Livestock Camping

At least one person staying in your camper needs to be exhibiting livestock to camp at the fair. Junior Fair Livestock Exhibitors are given first preference.

Any returning camper who completes their registration during this period will automatically receive the same location unless requesting a different location. New camper registrations will be taken in the order they are received. You may request that your campsite be near a returning camper or a general area (near front, back row, north end, south of road, etc.) The final placement will be made by the fair staff taking into consideration the size of your camper with hitch, pole placement, etc. At registration, a camping fee ($225) is required, and you must purchase passes for each person over the age of seven (7) staying in your camper: Membership Pass – $35, Season Pass – $40, Youth Season Pass (age 7-9) – $20. Junior Fair Exhibitors do not need to purchase a pass; however, they must obtain a current (2024) Junior Fair photo ID to enter the fair for free and to claim their premiums.

Camping Registration

Livestock Camping Registration
Open March 1 - August 1