Lima’s 37th Giant Auto Parts Swap Meet Admission $6.00 with Children 12 & Under Free
Admission $6 12 and under free For more information email Jeff@[email protected]
For more information or or call 269-979-8888
Voting for Directors whose term will expire on November 6, 2024, is Noon - 3:00 pm in the Administration Office 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm in the Youth Activities Building One director to serve a three - year term beginning November 6, 2024, will be elected from each of the following areas: Bath, City of […]
Admission: Adults $7.00
Children 12 & Under Free
NMRA members w/card $5.00
Vendor spaces available for diesel, 4x4, lift kits, diesel tuners, wheel & tire companies, exhaust kits and more. Always the last Sunday in January 4 heated buildings. 1000s of attendees. Snow or Shine every year indoor and outdoor. @AllenCountyFair Lima OH #limaswapmeet largest and oldest single day swap meet in #OHIO muscle cars, race cars, trucks, Jeep, […]